If the answer to these question is yes, then today's video is a lil tutorial that explains how to your fix this 'Sims 4 mods have been disabled' after update issue!Let me know in the comments if you managed to enable Sims 4 custom content and mods after update and don't hesitate to let me know what other problems you encounter due to the Sims 4 December 2020 Update! Fix your Sims 4 Game WITHOUT removing your CC! Some users have also got success by resetting the Sims 4 folder. I hope this saves someone from drowning in their own tears like i did if the other options don't work for you.I wrote a script mod that will talk with RTBP and send it updates on the state of the simulation. Once started, i enabled mods, went out of the game, put my mods back in my new mods folder, restarted the game and IT TOOK. This removed it COMPLETELY from my documents (If it doesn't, just delete the folder but make sure you moving it to the other drive as a back up worked first if you don't want to lose anything like mods/saves/screen captures.) and then i restarted the game which will create a new Electronic Arts folder. I moved the sims folder ENTIRELY to my extra space drive on my SSD and named it "Electronic Arts BACKUP" i even deleted all my saves as a last resort and it would still give me the mods disabled error. I tried everything from moving the options folder to my desktop, moving my mods folder to my desktop,opening and closing the game several times, clearing my Cache, restarting my computer, crying, eating my feelings, bargaining with the devil.

I was one of the few who weren't getting it to work. LOL.Īnyways, i saw some were getting it to work using the other methods provided and some weren't.

I get this is an OLD thread however i stumbled across this forum due to experiencing this issue for the FIRST time in my Sim gaming history after the update on and I've been playing since elementary school.