There are plenty such variables but I will cover only few, most valuable of them. But before we do this we have to know which variables can help us in this task.

create weapon properties file config\weapons\w_yourweaponname.ltx.create textures textures\wpn\wpn_yourweaponname.dds and bumps for it.create it somehow in ogf file - use the tutorials here: Weapon import and Weapon model creation (HUD).enable weapon (stash/task reward/trader's stock).(optional) create new textures and meshes (ogf files sucks so much!).(optional) create hud icon (inventory icon) of your weapon.inherit some properties from base weapon, add new features.create section with your weapon in config\misc\unique_items.ltx.This tutorial will describe this approach:

(optional) edit weapon description in config\text\eng\string_table_enc_weapons.xml.if you want, you can reskin this weapon - textures are located in textures\wpn\, file name: wpn_weaponname.dds (FT 200M example: wpn_fn2000.dds) look at editing *.dds files below.edit file using information provided below to modd your weapon.your weapon is located in config\weapons\, file name: w_weaponname.ltx (example: w_fn2000.ltx for FT 200M).This is the simplest way, however you can't edit unique weapons: I will give you a short description for each way: There are three ways to mod weapons in stalker.